

Ghostwriting can be a taboo subject...even among pros! Yes, I'm sworn to secrecy and discretion is necessary to maintain a ghostwriting career. However, it is commonplace for someone who has a strength in one area to hire help in areas they are less strong. Hiring a ghostwriter is no different than using an insurance agent, marketing pro, or other consultants to grow your brand and deliver your message.

Ghostwriting uses YOUR words and your content. Ghostwriting is very common -- and for good reason. Authors are typically busy in their field of expertise with no time to write a book. A ghostwriter takes your content and turns it into an enjoyable read.

What does a ghostwriter cost?

This is the question I get asked the most, and the answer varies. But for simplicity, you can expect to pay between $2,500-$25,000 for a ghostwriter. The variables include how much of the writing you have done, where the content for the book comes from (i.e. video interview, public interviews, etc), and the length of book you desire to publish. For a small ebook with 20-ish pages you've already drafted, you're probably looking at $2,500. For a large volume requiring more time and deep research, expect $15,000 or above.